Hello, New stuff soon...
I'll just check out what I can do here, and get to understand how to use this XD.
I like to lean new concepts and skills and I love to create. I'll put stuff that I've learnt, some projects, ideas and concepts here...yeah sounds good XD.
Right now, I'm really into computer science; from the math behind computers to the engineering behind their operation and their evolution to their current state.
Highschool taught me VisualBasic.Net. Not a popular language, but it is a proper programming language, based on the .NET framework, just like C#, and not some scripting language, like the MUCH more popular and "beginner friendly" Python.
On my own, I started with some HTML-JavaScript-CSS, but tbh I don't really remember much. However, it did help me to really grasp the core basics of how computers read and execute code.
I then started learning python.... X_X
But coming back to my perverse interest in computer science, I quickly realized that those high level stuff really would not cut. They are extremely powerful and if all one wants is to get a program up and running asap, there's no better option, by a long stretch. The thing is, I wanted pain; I wanted to be bombarded with runtime errors, failed compilations, unsuccessful builds, you name it. I wanted to be as close to actually telling my computer each and every action it should take, without getting directly into Assembly( yet ; ) ).
That said, it's to no surprise that I turned to C. not C++, not yet; OOP and fancy templates will wait.
So far, it hasn't spared me and every build attempt provides so much to learn. Nice XD
Maybe I'll post some of my projects sometime, I dont know XD.
Now I'll talk about my true passion, Science.
No. Not Biology, not Physics, not Chemistry, not Mathematics; Science, in its entirety and most complete form.
I find it really hard to segment Science into all those components, when in the end, they are all interlinked and interdependent in all sorts of complex manners.
Science has been in the middle of my world since I was a child. Although, I must admit that as time went by and I grew up, my visions have turned blurry, as I am being pushed into competition and grades. As much as I love Academia, there are different flavors to it, some of which are not very pleasant to me.
I want to learn Science, and contribute to research, work collectively, with the sole aim of learning and discovering, create new technologies and find solutions.
I don't want to be any close to whatever "ladder" people keep talking about, I do not want to feel like people who are "better than me" will prevent me from going forward. Likewise the other way round.
Just set me out anywhere in the world with a team of really smart and curious people to collect samples, interpret data, write papers, do experiments and test our hypotheses, debate and publish reports.
Yeah, that's a life.
Yeah, that's me.
[Writing this was much more enjoyable than I ever anticipated.]
Thank you,
and stay alive.
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