Back Propagation Neural Network in C++
I tried making a NEURAL NETWORK! :D
It doesn't work... hehe 😅
A back propagating Neural Network, to be exact.
This time, since the code is pretty big, it will be on my GitHub repos ^^
This was made on Code::Blocks Ide and Dave Miller's tutorial was really helpful. The code is easy to read... You'll see ^^.
code: My github Repos
It's not THAT huge, but GitHub is definitely a more comfortable to access the code XD.
Some info...
The Neural Network Header file is around 80 lines. It contains class definition of a Neuron and a Network, as well as type definition of a connection
The Neural Network Implementation code is around 190 lines.
There is also a Training data Class...XD
But it is not really dependent on the Neural Network and it can be changed to another implementation. I just took Mr. Dave Miller's version of it, because it works XDXD.
I actually really wanted to code my own training data method but these days it's been really hard to find the time so yeah...maybe later XD.
And yeah, as always, thanks, stay alive, and take care XD.
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